Programmatic Breakfast

As you know we are part of the Goldbach Group in Switzerland.
It’s about time to have a programmatic breakfast and discuss buying processes and how the media landscape (focus on Switzerland) will probably change.
We’ll have a Keynote from Alex Duphorn from Goldbach Media, a status-quo report for Switzerland of Pubmatics Eric Hall and quick intro from our CEO Sven Ruppert about programmatic in a Mobile World.
The breakfast continues with a panel discussion “Adapt or die?” between the speakers, OMGs Hans Bardohl and moderator Goldbachs Ronie Bürgin.
The breakfast takes part in the Headquarter of Goldbach Group in Küsnacht on April, 19th starting at 9am.
Hurry, space is limited and a seat or participation at the event is not guaranteed. Please note, that all presentations and discussions will be held in German language.
Further information and agenda you will find here. We are sorry, but the breakfast is already booked out. 😉