Anti-Malvertising and Ad Quality Monitoring – insights by GeoEdge
Since the very beginning of Splicky DSP, we have not only trusted on our own technology when it comes to the prevention of Malvertising and monitoring of Ad-Quality, but also on 3rd party vendors which are highly sophisticated in detecting fraud activities, ideally before they actually happen.
As the topic Malvertising and Ad Quality is more frequently discussed in the industry – it is even more important to speak about what DSPs can do to maintain quality. Having said that, please check out the latest story by one of our partners GeoEdge, on how we use their technology to prevent malware and monitor ad quality.

Some quick take outs:
- The solution identifies problematic ads to make sure that Splicky’s advertisers would only be top quality demand.
- GeoEdge provides real time response whether the malicious activity is hidden inside the MRAID, HTML5 ad or on the landing page itself, among many other options.
- No campaign will go live without a positive check by GeoEdge.
Read the full story:!GeoEdge-Delivers-on-AntiMalvertising-and-Ad-Quality-Monitoring-for-DSP-Splicky/c193z/573b0ff70cf21c81b5eb40a3